Monday, May 30, 2011


Almost always everything in life is based on equations. From the birth of a child to a death of a man life is one big equation to be balanced. This one big equation is balanced between vice and virtue where all positives are added and all the negatives are substracted. In the end how hard you try to sum up the equation and think there is no answer, there always is an answer.

Every relationship is an equation. It is an agreement between two people to bond together and eliminate the deriments is a characteristic of an equation. We partake in many activities in life in order to fulfill these equations up to their standards.

In simplest terms life was created based on an equation of words. In the bible it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God and the Word was God." Here the sequence of the words are aligned within an equation summed up.

Real science is based on all equations. From mathematics to molecular biology where your genome is profound equation of nuclear acids, everything relies on equations. And life as we know it cannot be without the base of an equation.

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