Tuesday, November 25, 2008

botteling up....

all the daring thoughts...
that comes to my mind...right here...right now
to be written down...to be expressed freely...
scrolled up and sealed...
in a bottle...
just like that...
cork tightened...
i vow to be thrown away...
out into the blue green ocean...
as far as the eye can see...

one day just as it might find another shore...
where another as me...
open it..
and all of it rewinds...
just as it happened...
just as now...


thriving to be a designer said...

What have u bottled up dear....tell me will you, if u feel like to??? Anyway yet another good one...like it

Sachi said...

i guess we all do that at many points in our lives..move on from places to new shores..leaving the bottled behind.. :) i for one don't want to find those bottles ever again! hehe

starry eyes ;) said...

and im kinda worried ive already opened one of your left out bottles ane....:( get the feeling i should throw it away soon....its kinda mean but...ehem...