Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The heart wants it all.....

The first glance,
The warmest smile,
The twinkle in the eye,
The battering of lashes,
The butterflies in the stomach,
The tinkles in the toes,
The crinkling up of the nose,
The brightening of the day,
The sweetest welcome 'hey you!"
The bumping on to one another,
The secret grin,The knowing nod,
The slightest of touch,just a brush up,
The wonder and the confusion of thinking 'was it for real?'
The lost for words for the simplest of answers,
The anger for ignorance and carelessness.
The attitude given,
The resistance not to yell 'arghhh....What a brat!What am i thinking!'
The patience to wait for the right moment and the right time,
The complexities and the hurt of the outcome,
The never ending arguments and misunderstandings,
The feeling of banging the head on a wall for repeating the same mistake over and over again,
The sleepless nights possibly expected....

Yet the heart wants it all! all of it!!! Yet again and again...

blissfully ignorant will laugh at me but still would say 'i want it all too...yet again' ;)


Sachi said...

haha.. definitely amused. But on a serious note, yes. I do see your point of view. You are reaady, to want it all again.. :) and well.. this time I hope you will have it all.. especially the good parts.. the parts that I know you deserve. And in the meantime I hope you don't mind me laughing :P

starry eyes ;) said...

not very sure of having it all but least some of it...someday all of it...grin*