Sunday, March 15, 2009

Just another Sunday...

walking over the aisle of the church,
seated among the unknowns yet brothers and sisters,
hearing the godly words from dear father,
and rejoicing to the words of glory,
praising the father who art thou in heaven,
prayers of mercy, hymns of grace,
a baby crying out...
a mother rushing out...
just another day,
a sunday....

the priest taking the bow,
wishing all mankind peace...
and as i take my turn to do the same,
glanced over the two people holding hands in the front,
they turn to each other with smiles,
"Peace be with you"
with a peck on the cheek, and a hug,
the grey haired lady and a kind sir,
with wrinkled faces and spectacles,
turned around to make my day...

what will it take to be in that dear old lady's shoe???
i wish i knew....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Ive listened to my heart and did the most irrational things possible...

and what was the outcome???

absolute emptiness and pain...

am i a failure??? nah....

but what could be more brave to do what you think is the right thing and to start fresh...

yup! im happy i was not a coward...

so here i am!

starting again...

one might call it "refreshed"..

To a young artist...

"To be an artist means: not to reckon and count; to ripen like the tree which does not force its sap and stands confident in the storms of Spring without fear lest no Summer might come after. It does come. But it comes only to the patient ones, who are there as if eternity lay in front of them, so unconcernedly still and far. I am learning it daily, learning it through pains to which I am grateful: patience is all!"