Monday, August 25, 2008

I, a mystery to be solved.....

I, the word itself could mean a lot... just a one letter consisting of a name, an age defined by time counted by years, months and days, a living being with a soul, a story to be told by the next generation to come....

I, the word itself is a mystery.....a mystery that 'I' want someone to solve....and tell me the meaning of 'I'....for 'I' wish to be defined....found out by clues...sought out by the one to solve the mystery of 'I' 'I' still linger here as 'I'......

Monday, August 18, 2008


As for now after the big event which was a great success due to many efforts from a team of incredible talent i sit here rethinking of it all.....

I still cant understand how tiny little men running around killing each other on a screen can be so thrilling....all the blood that's spilled on screen does not make anything better...yet how people are enchanted and only thing in mind is winning....yet i was curious enough to try it out tell the truth i enjoyed it more than i wanted to....and had to admit to a certain arrogant person that he was we humans do not like to admit we were ever wrong now, do we?

The next frustration i came across is not new to me....i again entered the cycle of wondering "why is he here?? is he with friends??? why did he bother to turn up anyway??? he's not even great friends with the team....cyber games is not his thing anyway....etc etc..." endless questions and arriving at absurd conclusions and tiring myself for no reason.... but the new me knows better... the new me does not give a damn anymore.......

The obsession of starry eyes...yes that's a bit more frustrating than i it just an obsession??? still cant find an answer...

yet the world spins around me....but me??? am i stuck in one place??? if anyone can find an answer ill be forever grateful... yet im smiling the secret smile for i have hope....surely oneday we'll all be ok???

fingers crossed....

starry eyes
over and out...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

August Rush........

The rush of the wind........the sweet harmonica played.....every sound drawing you closer to where you belong....the wind chimes swaying to the sound of the wind.....the chills it gives you....tingles starting from the toes spreading through the soul....the sensation and the feeling of ecstasy.......

well i call it the "august rush" is everywhere, as long as you stop to listen.....

yes i do believe life is all music....full of it....major scales and minor scales....quavers and semi quavers to spice it all up....sharps and flats to stir it up....... sometimes a soprano...sometimes a dull note...whatever it is you know you are free....on cloud number nine as some say...

hmmm....what im trying to say maybe is that august was full of it....every single day was a song played by the many good many many sleepless nights of thinking life will ever be the same again....but yet so many more to many more to much to look forward i being too naive????

yet its a rush....a rush of emotions which cannot be described...yet so exciting....i again call it the "August Rush"

perhaps BI would agree with me??? ;)